Oct 16, 2008

Pynchon, the Conflict of the Right Word, and Rambling Sentences

I can't help myself. I said I wasn't going to post anything because I'm in the middle of writing a rather wordy and incoherent novel as fast as I can. But I miss you all and wanted to say hello. Hello!

Do you feel like you've been caught in a maddening whirlwind of continous--and often ambiguous--facts about the economy (which is pretty much fucked) and the presidental election, conflicting with the beauty of golden, firey nature and chilling breezes, and the desire to curl up in a small ball with a bottle of flavored vodka (I like putting a shot in a malt beverage) and a gripping fantasy novel?

Please tell me I'm not the only one.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to write a coherent paper for my lit class, tutor English to my sweet Korean girls, write like a mad woman, and not think about the publishing endeavor I began this summer.

Oh, and I also have a day-job, but that's merely a paycheck so I can eat on a regular basis and have the internet. I'm totally addicted to checking my e-mail. (Write me!!!)

Well, all I can say is thank god for Tina Fey, Season Two of Dexter on Netflix, and our new family member, Jasper.



Kimberly said...

Gwen - I just found your sites through Facebook. Still as clever and creative as ever. I did NOT know you grew up in Westerville. I spent a lot of time there growing up since my mom's favorite sister lived there. How did we miss that exchange?
Congrats on your literary accomplishments so far. You're an inspiration to apathetic would-be writers like myself!

David said...

You, my love, rock.